Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi there! Since I am delighting in being retarded and not being able to figure out the issue with embedding my .swf into a blog post, you can find the second iteration of the GloBounce here.

If you'd rather have a direct .swf download, you can find that here. Make sure you open that in dedicated Flash player, not just a web browser.

This isn't quite complete, and I may decide to go in a completely different direction with it. For now, though, you can influence the white bouncer's movement based on your mouse position. The bouncer only changes direction when he bounces, so you'll need to plan your movements! The further the mouse is from the bouncer at the time of the bounce, the higher the movement influence. You also control his bounce height this way.

At any time in the air, you can click to initiate a mini-bounce. You can only do this 10 times in the air. Once you hit the floor, your jumps are replenished (man, I should put a meter in there...).

Finally, the point of it - see those white circles? See how many of those you can smack before touching the floor! Some day, I might even have proper scoring in there!

Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bouncin' Along...

If you're interested in seeing the next little experiment in progress, check it out here!

I'd recommend right-clicking and hitting "save as" to ensure that it displays in the proper bounds.