Friday, May 28, 2010

Perlin Noise

Okay, so messing about with BitmapData inevitably led to learning about Perlin Noise. Named for Ken Perlin, a VFX fellow, it is used to procedurally generate textures in an organic way. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how exactly to use it, but the above is my first baby step into transforming a Perlin step is to apply that field to something else!


  1. There is something weirdly organic about it --almost slug like. Nifty!

  2. Kyle, what I'm essentially doing is filling the entire stage with Perlin noise. I'm then incrementing the "seed" of the Perlin noise as well as the offsets. And then yes, I'm redrawing the BitmapData. I'm not actually altering the BitmapData itself - rather I'm generating a new Perlin noise and swapping out the BitmapData with a snapshot of it.

    There's a nifty little tutorial that lets you play with some of the parameters of the noise. It can be a lot of fun, but hard to figure out if you don't have an example to check out.
